Weekend Writing Warriors #16


The school year has begun! It takes several weeks for teachers to get our game on. I’m hanging in there!

Here is this week’s Weekend Writing Warriors snippet, taken from As Only Mr. Darcy Can, my Pride & Prejudice romantic romp.

So Elizabeth Bennet has received another of those mystery Valentines, this time on the day itself. We know who the sender is, but she is all at sea. 

Soon Elizabeth was alone on the sofa with her book and the Admirer’s letter. Mary was intent on counting the quavers as she played, leaving Elizabeth free to break the seal.

Even so, she held the card concealed between the covers of her book. This time there was no comical face among the hearts and flowers—a disappointment—nor was there a poem. Instead, a curving musical stave was artfully drawn across the card.

Notes were written there, and they were not random. Although Mary’s playing made reading them a challenge Elizabeth persevered, humming from note to note.

No, it could not be! But there was no denying it. Whoever this Admirer was, he was musical enough to copy out Purcell’s famous melody. Elizabeth knew the words by heart, for she had sung it often.


Drink to me only with thine eyes, and I will pledge with mine.

Or leave a kiss within the cup, and I’ll not ask for wine.


 There was nothing more, not even a signature.

Check out what my fellow Weekend Warriors
who are sharing by going HERE.
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