Weekend Writing Warriors #1

Weekend writing what? Warriors?

How great is this? Because that’s exactly what I do. Weekend by weekend, I wrestle words onto the page.

I rather like the idea of being a warrior. Instead of, you know, a pajama-clad, coffee-swilling sloth, hunched over the laptop.

*Laura buffs her nails*

Alrighty! So let’s dive in with 10 lines from a work-in-progress. I’ll be sharing from As Only A Woman Can, a Pride & Prejudice-based romantic romp. Here’s the setup:

It’s late January, and Jane Austen’s heartthrob hero, Mr. Darcy, is in London, having left Hertfordshire for good. The lovely Elizabeth Bennet will no longer trouble his peace of mind — or so he thinks. But on the counter of the tobacconist’s shop he finds a display of painted Valentines — including one with a very ugly cupid. 

Pity the poor woman who receives that, he thinks. Ah, but his interest has been noticed …

The clerk grinned. “Popular with the gentlemen, these are, sir. Especially the officers, if you take my meaning.”

Popular with officers, indeed. After years of being pursued by the marriage-minded, Darcy had decided that he was not romantic. And didn’t his cousin Fitz take delight in pointing this out to him?

Darcy studied the cards. Fitz would be well-served to be caught sending these so-called Valentines to more than one lady. In fact—

He dug a pocket. “I’ll take five” was what he meant say. But since he found four pennies, he said, “I’ll take ten.” And so it was that Fitzwilliam Darcy walked out with his tobacco—and a pocket filled with Valentines.

Dangerous stuff, Valentine’s cards. For of course, one is tempted to send them.

Ha! There’s a story in that.

You can discover other Weekend Warriors
who are sharing their words by going HERE.
Twitter hashtag is #8sunday

A big thank you to Sue Barr, who clued me in to Weekend Writing Warriors!

If you’d like to read more of As Only, you can follow the story as I build it at Beyond Austen.

Be warned, I write slowly. Chapter 1 is up, and by weekend’s end, I plan to add Chapter 2.

Only 14 more weeks of teaching middle school, friends, and then glorious summertime will be mine. Come June, this story will get rolling in earnest.

18 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors #1

    1. Veronica, you guys sure know how to make a girl feel welcome. Thanks so much. I’ve already figured out my next three posts for Darcy — and then we might be catching up to where I am with writing on the fly. That’s where I suspect the value of Warriors comes in. Must come up with something for Sunday. Must write now! 😀


    1. A handful of trouble is right, Alexis. Austen’s shy and reserved Darcy is too much fun when he gets himself into a fix. Thanks so much for the friendly welcome. You guys are great!


  1. Welcome! I’m so glad you decided to join us. I’ve read a bit more of your work on Beyond Austen, so I know a little of what is about to happen, and as always with your writing – I love it. See you in the writing circle, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thanks, Amy. Yes, I am a pajama-wearing sloth. Not sure coffee helps get words onto the page, but there we are. You guys are a welcoming bunch. I’m glad to be a Warrior!


  2. Welcome, Laura!! Having just watched Pride and Prejudice and Zombies last night, I’m in the mood for a little Darcy! And this scene is delightful (even if there aren’t any zombies!).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Welcome to WeWriWa, Laura. Those Valentines are interesting. How are they going to get him into trouble? 🙂


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