Weekend Writing Warriors #7


It’s the weekend again … already? That means it’s Warrior Time!  Ten lines from a work-in-progress.

I’ll be sharing from As Only A Woman Can, a Pride & Prejudice-based romantic romp.

So Mr. Darcy and his cousin are still in the library, talking over what is to be done with that rotter Wickham. Since they’re so much fun to watch, let’s continue the conversation …

“There is none whom I trust so well as you to handle a matter involving Wickham. Although” –Darcy paused to give his cousin a look– “there is a risk.”

“Indeed there is, if I have my pistol at hand,” said Colonel Fitzwilliam cheerfully. “A little shooting accident is easily arranged. Trust militiamen to be always drilling and working at marksmanship. They are notoriously poor shots.”

“Would you become a murderer?”

“It is not murder to rid the world of vermin, Darcy.”

“Before God, I could not do it.”

“Well,” admitted Fitz, “neither could I, not in cold blood. But one can always hope for a carriage accident. Or an angry blacksmith father with a hammer in his hand …”

You can discover other Weekend Warriors
who are sharing their words by going HERE.
Twitter hashtag is #8sunday



If you’d like to read more
of As Only, follow the story
as I build it at Beyond Austen.


15 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors #7

  1. Ha! This is great. Love the dialogue, and I’m so comforted to know that ridding the world of vermin doesn’t count as murder. *scurries off* 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When in doubt, “send in the blacksmiths …”

      Darcy is too careful sometimes … but that is half the fun, watching him plot and plan. Thanks for stopping by, Amy. 🙂


  2. Quite the tense conversation. I enjoyed the comment that the soldiers are actually such poor shots – that seems to fit a Wickham quite well. Terrific dialogue! Enjoyed the snippet…


  3. Wow, they are really not a fan of that man. Though I’m sure for good reason. I really enjoyed this snippet! 🙂


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